Now don't get any dirty thoughts! And I wish I could take credit for such a witty play with words, but I must confess, it was a bumper sticker catch phrase that I saw.
Apparently, oysters rate low on the aphrodisiac list. Although loaded with zinc, which is key to producing testosterone, a single morsel is hardly enough to get a rise. If you know what I mean...heh...If it gives anyone any sort of a rise, it is a rise in temper and muttering curses at this tight lipped reincarnation of a virgin.
After 2 butter knives (because there had to be something wrong with the first one after it proved difficult to pry open them suckers) and 1 hour I was able to feed myself a dozen of these mollusks.
Apparently, oysters rate low on the aphrodisiac list. Although loaded with zinc, which is key to producing testosterone, a single morsel is hardly enough to get a rise. If you know what I mean...heh...If it gives anyone any sort of a rise, it is a rise in temper and muttering curses at this tight lipped reincarnation of a virgin.
Well FINALLY! I have a close watch on your blog in my newsreader and was wondering when the heck you'd be posting something great like...THIS! To do the job right, you need an oyster knife dammit, but after seeing the last pics, Happy Hour at Ivar's doesn't sound like a bad idea either. I adore oyster shooters, right after having taken a tequila one.
Cool for you to have witnessed The Year of the Boar celebration. I would have loved it with all the food and stuff.
America has the best bumper stickers. The only thing I see of any resemblance is a window sticker in the back saying..."Bebe a bordo" (Baby onboard). Ho-hum.
Great work.
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