After weeks of anticipation, our seeds finally pushed through. It is a miracle, to say the least, because we didn’t quite prepare the soil for planting. They were literally scattered, like tossing bread crumbs, a little here, a little there. At most, the extent of the work was in building neat rows, but that was about it. Perhaps the little greenies knew we wanted them to grow as badly as we want to win the lottery.
We’re hoping the bounty will produce enough beans and peas to freeze or can for the winter months. Really we just want to see how far we can stretch a dollar. And if we have more than we can possibly eat, bartering for some gas might be an idea. With the way gas keeps going up 10 cents a week, seems like that is what things are coming to.

Of course, we couldn't help adding the finishing touch - a garden gnome (this one's for you sis!)